Are you a university graduate still searching for a job and committed to upskilling and increasing your chances of employment?
The Nawaya Network, in partnership with UNICEF, is launching its Seventh Round of the Employment Hub Program.
Please check the below criteria to see if you qualify:
· You must be between 21 and 26 years old
· You must have graduated from University
· You must be unemployed and searching for a job
· You must be fluent in English
· You must be motivated and interested in strengthening your employability skills
· You must be committed to completing the phases of the program
· You must be interested in pursuing a career in Project Management, Business Intelligence, or Digital Marketing.
Both experienced and inexperienced participants are encouraged to apply; Part-time employees and Freelancers are eligible to apply, but Full-time employees are NOT eligible to apply.
The program starts on March 18, 2024. The first month consists of Online Employment Training (up to 4 hours each day); the second and third months are for the online Technical Course and Individual Career Coaching.
The deadline to apply is the 12th of March, 2024. Apply soon via this link: